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North Wapiti Siberian Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2007 - Tales from the Trail

March 6, 2007

Karen In Finger Lake
By Teresa & Richard Barnes

We flew out to Finger Lake yesterday. Karen was there when we  arrived. We were there from around 10 am till 2:30 pm. I briefly  chatted with Karen several times during the time we were there. (I  didn't want to interfere with musher duties) She said that she had  two good runs in getting there, although it was very cold. (I heard  35-40 below) Karen and the dogs both looked great. I cheered her off when she left with all 16 dogs.

When we left, 26 dogs had been dropped by the 61 mushers that had  checked in at that point. This seems like a greater number than usual for this point in the race. I am sure that is due to the extra hard trail conditions. In talking with the vets, almost all were due to wrist and shoulder soreness. Considering this, I am extra impressed with the Karen's team. (If that is possible)

This is the first time I have flown to a checkpoint. It has been a dream since I became an Iditarod junkie during last years race. We came for the ceremonial start and I was hooked! Watching Karen's video was the final clincher! I decided that I would be back this year and fly out to a checkpoint, and do everything "Iditarod" that I could in 10 days.

It was great! My only regret is that my friend GB Jones had not arrived before we left to walk out across the lake to the plane. As we were loading I looked across the lake and saw a team that appeared to be him. I was looking at the bright yellow sled, red pants and dark parka. When I checked the checkpoint times I realized that it was him indeed. My only let down of the day. We missed him by minutes.

Go Karen go!

Teresa and Richard Barnes
Knoxville, TN
This week from Anchorage!

Coming into Finger Lake

Team looks good!


Crunchie & Holly

Odie & Loki

Moses & Charge

Barq & Jr

Good parking spot :)


Hector & Herman

Front end of the team resting

(L-R) Tess, Spidey, Dasher & Snickers


Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2007 Edition

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