North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
February 17, 2000
WAHOO!! Drops bags are done and have been delivered to Iditarod! What a chore that was!
I started it off by figuring out my race plan, with how long each stretch of the trail was
going to take to run and then how long I was planning on staying in each checkpoint. From
there I had to work out a feeding plan and base food drops on all that information. I feel
really good about the race plan and the drops. I know I sent out more then most mushers
(I'm told average is 2,000 lbs - my drops were 2572 lbs) but that will allow me
flexibility to change my running/resting plan during the race should unexpected problems
arise. And after all - I am a woman and women are not known for packing light!
Tomorrow we are going treat ourselves to a real day off! Jamie and Ken Nelson, their
handler Lori, Mark, Bob and I are all going into Anchorage to watch the first day of the
Fur Rendezvous Sprint Races. The Rondy is sprint racing's 'Iditarod'. Big teams of upwards
of 18 dogs race, basically, flat out for 20 or so miles. It should be really exciting! All
of Anchorage gets into the excitement of 'Rondy Week' too with snow sculpture contests,
snowshoe racing, and much more! Mark and Bob had been hoping to catch the Fur Bikini
Contest, but, sadly, we were busy finishing up food drops during that one!
The weekend was supposed to be devoted to running the Goose Bay 120, however continuing
warm weather and the start of the 2000 mile Iron Dog snowmachine race could change our
plans. I don't relish the idea of sharing the trail on Sunday with a whole bunch of
snowmachiners!!! Although by far the majority of snowmachiners in the area are friendly
and courteous to dog teams, there is always a risk when you mix large numbers of both on a
trail system! We will keep our fingers crossed that the race is a go and that they have a
plan to divert us from the Iron Dog.
Next week Bob will be leaving for home. We will be busy getting the dogs in for their
EKG's, bloodwork, microchipping, and vet checks! And then the following week is ......
IDITAROD!!!!! Yikes! On that note I'm back to work!!!
Karen's Diary

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