North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
March 11, 2000
Hello all---
Just picked up Karen's "dropped" dogs this afternoon, Spud and Smiley. They
are currently in the backyard bright-eyed and waggy, trying to make friends with the
Northern Air Cargo flew in about 50 dogs this afternoon from McGrath, considered a hub
to which dogs are flown in smaller planes, reloaded and flown to Anchorage. The dogs are
picked up at the airport, or at the prison in Eagle River by a person designated in a
contract signed months ago by their owners.
I saw a lot of energetic dogs there. Both these guys didn't go further in the race
because they had sore shoulders. You couldn't tell it this afternoon as they tried to pull
me across the parking lot. They look GREAT!
I also got to see Blake Freking's returned sled, the one that hit a stump on the trail
and exploded releasing the 14 dog team he was driving. If you haven't checked out the
website lately, give it a "look and see"
The journal is being updated whenever we hear from Blake.
Blake also dropped 2 dogs. I saw them both at Howling Dog Farm yesterday. Poorga is a
little stiff. Freckles was hard to pick out from the other dogs that wanted to go for an
afternoon run.
Later, Jamie
Karen's Diary

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