North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
October 15, 1999
Well, we are back from Jamie's and
working hard at the training! The trip to Minnesota was great. We put a lot of miles on
the dogs and Jamie, once again, showed me that I need to up my expectations on them. They
are now doing 20+ miles per run and have even done a 40 miler, although with a 4 hour
break in the middle of the run! I'm having a great time playing with all my young leaders,
in fact, I can't remember the last time I had one of the 'old stand-byes' in lead!
We had some problems with Mork. The day we were
leaving he somehow badly sliced open his foot. Cut right through one of the toe pads. We
packed him up and took him along and one of Jamie's vets in Minnesota did surgery on him.
For awhile there was speculation that this might end his running career, but he has healed
well and was back in harness again 3 weeks after the surgery! That was the vet's 'best
case' scenario! I'm very happy to have him back - now he just has to catch up in miles!
Mom of our summer pups is back in harness! And speaking of the pups, I have a few new
pictures : Hugi and
Kara, Thor, KD, and
Stripey. Stripey
has actually moved to her new home in Edmonton with a very nice couple that think the
world of her! It is hard to let pups go, but a little easier when they go to such terrific
We also have a new addition - Pirate. Pirate comes
to us from our friend, Karen Yeargain in Sisters, Oregon. I had tried to buy Pirate when
he was a young pup, but Karen wouldn't let him go. Then, sadly, within the last few months
he developed a habit of eating rocks! Within 2 weeks he had to have 3 surgeries to remove
them from his stomach! Because our kennel is on sandy soil with no rocks it was in his
best interest to try living up here! He is still a young dog, just over 1 year, but I'm
happy to take the chance on him - he is soooooo nicely built!!
Well, I think that is all the gossip and news for now. Now that the page
is up on the new site, you should see it being updated on a more regular basis!!!
Karen's Diary

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