North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
November 10, 1999
Well hello to all. Things are going pretty well here. We had another good weekend of
training on the dogs. On Monday I went to the Kikino Metis Settlement, about 1 1/2 hours
from here and talked to the kids. One of the pups, Odie, and Lyra came along for
the trip. We all had a really good time.
Yesterday I wanted to get a run in on the dogs, but ended up returning phone calls,
booking airline tickets, and doing some trip planning. It is only 6 weeks till I head up
to Alaska, so I can't let details get away from me. This morning Mark and I were counting
how many days we are going to be in Alaska and trying to figure out how much kibble and
meat we will need for the dogs. Then, of course, we are working on the food drops for
Iditarod. We need to cut up and package all the meat for the trail, as well the rest of
the dogs food, my food, extra gear, etc, etc. I can't wait till all that is out of the way
and I can get on the trail!!!!! I think that is a pretty common feeling among mushers!
I did also get one fun chore in yesterday - it was a Straw Day!!! The dogs just love
straw. It is like Christmas in the yard when I drag out the skidder and start dividing up
a bale. The pups hadn't seen straw before and it is so scattered across their kennel that
it won't offer much insulating value for them, but they sure had fun running around
chasing each other through it! The older dogs aren't much better. They bounce and bark,
grab mouthfuls out of my arms and dash around their areas shaking their heads and sending
straw flying! After dinner there was a lot of satisfied 'sighs' as the dogs bedded down in
their houses for the night! I think the mental benefits of Straw Day are just about as
good as the physical ones!
Well, I need to get outside and get the dogs fed, so I can run later this morning. We
give the dogs 2 hours after their breakfast to digest their meal before asking them to
Karen's Diary

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