North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
December 7, 1999
I was SHOCKED to see that it has been 2 weeks since my last entry. Where does time
I just got back last night from Alaska, where I was for the Iditarod's Mandatory Rookie
Meeting. It was fun to get to meet some of the other rookies and do some visiting! Jamie
West and her husband, Harry, were gracious enough to open their home to me and even loan
me a truck so I could get out to Willow on Sunday. I also got to Palmer to visit Earl
Norris in the hospital. For those of you that don't know Earl, he is one of the ikons of
Siberian Huskies and racing in Alaska. Earl had a stroke last week, but they are figuring
that he should be back home for Christmas. My thoughts are certainly with him, his wife,
Natalie, and everyone else at Howling Dog Farms.
Things kept hopping around here even while I was away. Mark was busy running teams over
the weekend so the mileage didn't fall off too much. We are heading into a difficult time
here as the dogs mileage is to a point where runs take up a good part of the day, yet
there is still much to be planned, acquired, packed, and organized before I leave for
Alaska in 19 days. YIKES!!!! Christmas just falls at too busy a time to be celebrated much
around here, but we do have some plans for some family get-togethers next week. Between
vet visits and runs, we might even get a turkey dinner in there somewhere! I've done no
decorating of the house (unless piles of dog booties in the dining room and drop bags in
the hallway count!) other then sticking a wreath outside.
We had a scare with Pirate last weekend. Turns out he had a good size tumor in his
intestine. Some of you might remember that Pirate is the rock eating dog from Oregon that
we got a few months back. He is very young to have such a thing, we are hoping that it is
a product of one of his earlier rock removal surgeries. Right now he looks a little like a
patchwork quilt with shaved patches on his legs and belly. We were very grateful to
Pirate's Uncle Blunder, who was rushed to the vet clinic by his owner, Roger Morey, so we
could do a blood transfusion. It certainly helped his recovery!
We were VERY excited to get our December issue of 'Dogs in Canada' magazine in the mail
last week. Dogs in Canada is the Canadian Kennel Club's official publication. It is a very
well done and award winning magazine and this month it features OUR DOG TEAM - not only on
the cover, but with a 4 page article by Heather Brennan inside! They all did such a nice
job - I was overwhelmed when I saw it for the first time. Unfortunately, it is not
available online, but if some of you might be interested in getting a hold of a copy you
can order one at the Dogs in Canada website.
Well, seems like I could go on chatting forever this morning, but there is not a speck
of food in the house and I need to run into town and do some grocery shopping before
running a team today!
Karen's Diary

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