North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2007 - Tales from the Trail
February 17, 2007 |
Open House
We are pleased to announce our 4th
Annual (or maybe it is the 5th - who is really
counting!) NorthWapiti North Open House.
Date - Friday, March 2nd
Time - 10 am - 2 pm
Location - NorthWapiti North aka Westrunner Kennels in
Willow, Alaska
Come out and meet the "Pretty Sled Dogs" in person.
There will be food and refreshments served, ears to
scratch (the dogs - not Mark nor Karen's) and stories
told. A good time is traditionally had by all!!
There is no charge, however we do request that you
respect the times we have set out - there is still some
last minute chores that need to be tended to prior to
Saturday's Ceremonial Start.
There will be NorthWapiti clothing for sale (like our
polar fleece jackets), patches, DVD's and probably a few
other odds and ends.
Hope to see many of you.
Contact Karen at
musher@telusplanet.net for directions and any
further information.

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2007 Edition

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