Call From Shageluk
I received a call from Karen early this morning from Shageluk. She
was in a very talkative mood. She continues to say that the trail is
the worst that she has ever seen and is surprised that her sled is
still in one piece. Loki slipped his collar while the team was
resting and went for a walk through town before the checkers
gathered him up and babied him until Karen woke up. Charge has
finally figured out the check point routine and curls up to go to
sleep as soon as Karen gets to a check point. Snickers is doing the
majority of the leading. Moe is at the prison now, I'll go and pick
him up today. Karen is about 15 hours behind schedule, trail
conditions and weather are to blame. She will have to pick up the
pace and cut some rest if she is going to finish in less than 12
That's all for now.

ŠPenny Blankenship