The Dasher Dog
No fear, Dasher - or The Dasher Dog, as she is usually called (I
have no clue why) is fine, however on Saturday she was rushed to the
vet with pyometrea, which is basically an infection of the uterus.
We were given a couple of treatment options, however, I was not
willing to at all gamble with Dasher's life, so an emergency spay
was performed.
Unfortunately that means that there will be no Charge/Dasher
babies next month - and no Dasher babies ever.
We are very sad about that, but very happy that Dasher is home
and well on the road to recovery.
BTW - Kara is most appalled that Dasher is in the house. I told
her that it should be easier to share her doggie beds with her
daughter, but she remains simply mortified at having to share
anything. Bait, Tic and Tac are all annoyed too, as Dasher doesn't
share her Mother's tolerance for small, furry things and the cats
have been banned from the house!

ŠPenny Blankenship
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