Dasher Update
The Dasher Dog is doing great. She is still living in the house, but not
really because she needs to be, just 'cause she is easy to live with and I
haven't bothered to kick her out (that will change soon though, as Kluane's
litter is due this coming weekend).
She (Dasher) has taken to 'mothering' stuffed toys. Her real passion is a
little stuffed husky, but she also has a stuffed snake, a red/black ape, a
clawless stuffed lobster and a gutted stuffed hedgehog as part of her
'family'. She's very particular about having them all around her and, gosh
forbid, if Kara tries to walk by them.

ŠPenny Blankenship
More cartoons by Penny
Kara has decided Dasher is insane and not worth paying attention to
anymore - especially since she gained control of both dog beds and Dasher
claimed the rug in front of the sliding doors as her 'nest'.
Gotta love 'em! :)

Questions & Karen's answers from the Yahoo Newsgroup
on the the topic of Dasher's status:
- During the ceremonial start in Anchorage, was it Dasher who leaped for the kid's little stuffed husky sitting on the side of the trail after we crossed Tudor? She loves her huskies! (Janet - Willow, Alaska)
It sure was Janet. I had forgotten about Dasher making a dive for that poor
child's stuffed husky!! :) :) Too funny!
Breezy (Kara's Mom) was known to be a thief of stuffies. I'd be walking her to the ring at dog shows, look down and find her packing a stuffed toy she had stolen from one of the booths. I was forever going back and either returning or paying for stolen merchandise if I wasn't paying close attention to her!
- Can Dasher still be shown in Canada now that she has been spayed? Do they have an "altered" category? I know here in the US cats have an "altered" category, but I don't think dogs do. Just wondering!
No, Dasher can no longer be shown. They do very occasionally have altered classes at shows, but usually only at Specialty shows.
- Probably the hormones not having settled down after being pregnant and having it ended so suddenly. (Cheryl)
Yup, that is our take on it too. Which is why I let her take her stuffed husky out into the kennel with her today when I evicted her from the house. Kara and Bait partied all through dinner. :)

ŠPenny Blankenship
More cartoons by Penny
- Good thing she is already Ch. Dasher! And Iditarod-finisher Dasher! While it's too bad there can't be BIS Dasher and puppies, that pales in comparison to
saving her life which I assume meant an emergency dash to the vet. (Barb)
She will be Iditarod finishing Dasher again in the future, I'm sure!