Photo Diary
I'm really enjoying my new camera and just couldn't resist zipping outside between thunderstorms today and snapping a few pictures.

Lobelia on my front porch

My pepper plant - I might actually get to harvest something off this one!

The Antler Garden. Antler sheds picked up on training runs share this planter with pansies.

The Cabin sporting it's new paint job!

Sweet Peas on the fence of the 'Bitch Pen'
Who can resist snapping a few puppy pictures when out in the yard? (The
FireCrackers Litter)

Holly sporting a summer coat.

I cannot remember what this stuff is called, but it is pretty!

Clematis seed heads



Bait, The Killer Kitten


Pretty meadow

Tiger Lilies

Ox-eye Daisies


I'm not sure what this stuff is called, but it is pretty


Indian Paintbrush, one of my very favorites!

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush and Clover

Impending storm

A visitor

Fireweed. Just so the Alaskan's don't think they are the only ones that get to enjoy this pretty flower.

Hurrying so I don't drown.

Moose tracks on the edge of our driveway

Moose tracks up close

Just so you get an idea how big they are.

Alfalfa on the roadside



When folks come to visit at this time of year, usually the first question out of their mouths are "What are those yellow fields that we see everywhere?". Canola. It is beautiful and sometimes the yellow stretches for miles if farmers have planted large

Canola field

Summer training scenery - the Canola Fields
And then it started to rain.......