NorthWapiti's Robert E Lee - Squeaky
December 27, 1998 - September 5, 2006
Life is often bittersweet and ironic. This morning was just that for me. On one hand I had the painful task of saying 'goodbye' to one of my cherished companions, but it was sweet that I was able to be with him at the end as well.
See in the spring of 2005, after traveling thousands of miles of trail with me,
Squeaky went to live with Mike and Kathy Carmichael of
Carmack's Siberians in Utah. He settled in wonderfully, being a key member of Mike's team - in fact, finishing the Race to the Sky in Montana with him this past winter. In addition, he was a loved family member and a favourite of Mike and Kathy's young daughter Brooke. We were thrilled to see Squeaky thriving in his new home and so obviously loved.
On the 15th of August, Mike, Squeaky and the rest of their team came up to train with us for a few weeks. Squeaky looked fine and fit and slipped right into the start of their training routine. Near the end of last week though, Squeaky went off his food. On Friday Mike took him into our vets in
Westlock, who kept him in the Clinic, diagnosing him with an infection in his liver. Carmichael's needed to head home on Sunday and Squeaky seemed to be maintaining, but the decision was made that he would stay at the Westlock vet until he was fully recovered and then come here until Mike could get back up to pick him up. It was best for Squeaky, so none of us had problems with the plan. Carmichael's stopped through Westlock on Sunday to visit with him before they headed home. He was still lethargic, but the vets were pretty optimistic.
Sadly, by this morning things had taken a turn for the worse. The vets said it was now strictly a matter of time and the hard decision was made to end Squeaky's suffering.
I rushed back from the city, where I was running errands, to Westlock.
Squeaky and I were able to spend some quiet time reminiscing about the adventures we'd had together before I called the vet in. I reminded him of all the people that loved him and it was quickly over.
A necropsy found a ruptured tumour in Squeak's intestine. He had had that ticking time bomb in him for awhile.
On another bittersweet note, just over two weeks ago, on August 18th, NorthWapiti's See Spot Run, who is down in Utah with Carmichael's delivered NINE puppies sired by Squeaky. One of them with be coming back here to live. They will be a lovely reminder of Squeak - although none of us would have ever forgotten him anyhow.
Godspeed Squeak - you were loved by many.

Squeaky x Spot
(Click to enlarge)