Fall Visit
We are back home from attending our second North Wapiti Fall Warm-Up Weekend.
It was a beautiful sunny day when we arrived at Karen and Mark's late
Friday morning. The afternoon was spent making some new friends and catching up with friends made on last years trip. Of course all of
us spent a good part of the afternoon walking around the dog yard admiring those pretty sled dogs. We were also entertained by Bait.
Bait is a non-stop ball of energy, and I do mean non-stop, the perfect North Wapiti cat.
In the evening, we gathered for a meal of Karen's famous chili. Since it never cooled down enough to run dogs we spent the evening around the
bon fire talking about dogs and sharing trail tails.
Saturday we took advantage of the early morning temps to take the dogs out for a run. It was a great opportunity to get in lots of passing
practice. Karen's trails are fantastic. Something new this year were trail markers. It has been too hot where we live to run dogs so we
picked the shortest trail, the Yellow Brick Trail, for our first run of
the season. Everyone had a great run and then is was time for
breakfast. Karen is a wonderful cook and her scrambled eggs alone are worth the 14-hour drive we made.
After breakfast, more visiting and playing with puppies. Then it was
time for Mark's Fall Warm-Up Weekend Scavenger Hunt. As usual it was a challenging list and everyone had a good time. The Eagle rep was
there again this year with prizes for everyone. In the afternoon,
Karen treated us with a slide show of her team on the Iditarod Trail.
Potluck dinner was wonderful. There is no shortage of outstanding food on these weekends. Mark's roasted pig is something we will be talking
about for a long time.
At the bon fire gathering in the evening we had a special treat. One of Karen's neighbors is a young girl that is an outstanding fiddle
player. She took time off from preparing for a competition to play for
us. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.
Sunday morning was happily a repeat of Saturday, run dogs and then another breakfast feast. In the afternoon, it was time to pack up and drive home thinking all the way that we just can't wait for next
Thank you, Karen and Mark for opening up your home, kennels and trails to
Janet & Jay
SNO Siberian Rescue
Kettle Falls, Wa.

"You don't think enough of them will show up to out number
us, do you?..."

Anna Husch and Camilla
