North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
January 14, 2008 |
Karen & Her Wonderful Team (by Barbara Watt)
I have so much to say about this weekend and last, and I would
probably bore you all.
Karen was due to leave Seeley Lake, Montana, this morning,
early. They were planning to drive all the way home today.
I have to say that Karen is the most gracious person, but lots
of fun, too. Meeting her was an absolute joy. Meeting the
dogs was an absolute joy, also.
My husband and I took lots of photos, and I will be sending them
to Kim in a little while, and she will put them on Karen's
website. My head is spinning with the photos of all the dogs,
so a number will not have names with them unless Kim can figure
them out! Of course it's easy to tell Crunchie apart from
Moses! But try to tell Watt part from Tesla - brother and
sister and nearly the same markings!
I will also write some stories about these two weekends. Never
as well as Karen writes, but I can relate the facts!
In Whitefish we were able to meet Marlene and Doug
Phillips-Daniels. Marlene, you are joy. Lovely, kind, funny,
and a mind like a steel trap! Go ahead - ask her anything! And
a wonderful friend and fan of Karen's.
I also got to meet two of the finest people I've met in a long
time. Colleen, Karen's good friend, was one of the handlers,
and she is just a gem! Colleen works so very hard, and with
such love for each of the dogs. And we had such good fun
laughing and laughing! Colleen couldn't be nicer to the dogs,
and knows each one so well. And then there is Anna - a neighbor
of Karen's. Anna turned 19 on Saturday, and I think grew up at
North Wapiti Kennels! She know each dog, the mother and father,
any pups, all personalities, etc. Anna
is just beautiful, but doesn't mind mucking around cleaning up
after the dogs. She and Colleen took care of the dogs who
weren't racing at the time (two races, two teams) and did such a
fine job. There is a great deal of work to be done for these
champions, and there were treated like the queens and kings they
I have to talk about Kara. Oh, Kara!!!! A number of people
write about her, especially Karen. Very enjoyable stories, but
I thought there was a lot of story to the accounts. Good,
entertaining stories. Well, was *I* ever wrong! She IS the
princess. Or maybe the queen! When we first spied Kara hooked
to the truck, she sat like the beauty she is. WHEN she might
want to wave, my husband says she waves like Queen Elizabeth!!!
You can see photos at -
Barbara Watt

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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