North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
January 16, 2008 |
The 24 'Super Dogs' Headed To AK!
Well, we are home - but with our departure to Alaska scheduled for
Monday, things are busier then ever here. I know I owe you all some
Diary Entries - and I strive to work on them over the next few days, but
I will make the disclaimer that I'm battling a cold too, so not all too
I thought I'd start with talking about the final 24 in our 'A' string
this year. Now, if you were paying any attention to the names of the
dogs on the teams I ran in Whitefish and Seeley Lake over the past few
weeks, you have already figured most of this list out - but just in case
you weren't paying attention.
Introducing our 2007/2008 main string - aka THE SUPER DOGS...
(In Order Of Age)
Name |
Sex |
Age |
Status |
Races |

Kara |
Female |
8.5 |
Leader |
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006
Copper Basin 300
Knik 200
Sheep Mountain 150
2005 Copper Basin 300
Iditarod 2005
2005 Knik 200 Finisher
Iditarod 2004 Finisher
2003 Knik 200 Finisher
Iditarod 2003 |

Moses |
Male |
8 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
Knik 200
Iditarod 2005
2005 Knik 200 Finisher
2005 Copper Basin 300
Sheep Mountain 150
Iditarod 2004 Finisher
Yukon Quest 250 (with another musher) |

Nahanni |
Female |
7.5 |
Veteran |
2008 Flathead 100
Iditarod 2003
2005 Copper Basin 300
2005 Knik 200
2006 Knik 200 |

Crunchie |
Male |
6.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200
2005 Sheep Mountain 150
2005 Copper Basin 300
2005 Knik 200
Iditarod 2005
Iditarod 2004 Finisher |

Barq |
Male |
6.5 |
Veteran |
2008 Flathead 100
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
2006 Knik 200 |

Sprite |
Female |
6.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
Iditarod 2005
2006 Knik 200
2006 Copper Basin 300
Iditarod 2006 Finisher |

Hector |
Male |
6.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200
Iditarod 2005
2005 Copper Basin 300
2005 Sheep Mountain 150
2005 Knik 200
Iditarod 2004 Finisher |

Hilda |
Female |
6.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
2006 Knik 200
2005 Copper Basin 300
2005 Knik 200
Iditarod 2004 Finisher |

Herman |
Male |
6.5 |
Veteran |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
2007 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 2002005
Sheep Mountain 150
2005 Iditarod
2005 Copper Basin 300
2005 Iditarod |

Dasher |
Female |
6 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200
Iditarod 2005
Sheep Mountain 150 |

Holly |
Female |
5.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
Neckbone 120 |

Batdog |
Male |
5.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
Iditarod 2006
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200 |

Jr |
Male |
5.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
Iditarod 2006 Finisher
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200 |

Q |
Male |
4.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
2006 Knik 200 |

Jinx |
Female |
4.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
2006 Knik 200

Spider |
Female |
4.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120 |

Runner |
Male |
3.5 |
Leader |
2008 Flathead 100 |

Boom |
Male |
3.5 |
Veteran |
2007 Neckbone 120
2008 Seeley Lake
2008 Flathead 100 |

Tess |
Female |
3.5 |
Leader |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120 |

Charge |
Male |
3.5 |
Veteran |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Taiga 300
2006 Sheep Mtn 150 |

Watt |
Male |
3.5 |
Veteran |
2008 Seeley Lake
2007 Iditarod
2007 Neckbone 120 |

Togo |
Male |
3 |
Rookie |
2008 Flathead 100 |

X |
Male |
2.5 |
Rookie |
2008 Flathead 100 |

Bingo |
Female |
2.5 |
Rookie |
2008 Flathead 100 |
It's a great group of dog - lots of experience with a nice touch
of youthful enthusiasm. Kara is the most senior member of the
Super Dogs. Make no doubt; this will be her last year racing.
You may notice her brothers, Loki and Odie are not on the list.
That is definitely the end of an era for me - Odie has been on
all my race teams since the 2002 season. Cutting him from the
team almost felt like amputating a limb, but both the boys are
enjoying running with small teams with Kathryn and the Husch's.
Irving, Wolverine, and Roary were all very hard cuts too - but
for different reasons. I know that Irving is going to be a major
star in the kennel, but he is not quite ready this season - same
for the very serious and seriously handsome Wolvie. Roary was
'oh so close'. I just already had a bunch of girls in the pool
and opted for a little more size and power.
Mo is likely on his last race season too, but the way his boy
Boom is roaring up the ranks, it is more like he is just passing
along the torch.
The real rookies of the group are X , Togo and Bingo. All three
traveled well down to Montana and seemed to really enjoy their
first taste of racing. X is the real star of the bunch.
Key leaders this season are shaping up to be Sprite, Tess,
Hilda, Q, Moses, Spider, Jinx, Jr, Kara, and Batdog. The MAIN
leader in the crew this year is without a doubt Dasher. She is
so full of herself lately; I'm surprised she doesn't just
explode. She's been obnoxiously bouncy and happy since the real
hard work around here began. She loves being THE gal and I am
learning to put my complete trust in her. That might not sound
like a hard thing to do, but with all the serious leaders I've
had in the past - like Grover, Snickers, Kara, etc - it is kind
of difficult to learn to just completely trust a bouncy, bubbly
little gal that seems to take nothing seriously - but I'm coming
Folks at home were left with instructions to keep Newt and Roary
in shape for me, just in case I changed any opinions on some of
the dogs that went down to Montana with me. I didn't and this
group is indeed the final group that will be heading up to
Alaska with us next week.
Not to say there weren't a few issues that came home from
Montana with us - a number of the dogs picked up a seriously
nasty stomach bug. In fact, we even made a quick trip to the vet
in Seeley Lake with Charge before heading home on Monday. As we
had hoped and suspected, it is nothing requiring any more
aggressive treatment then what we were already doing (some
antibiotics and a few stomach meds). Charge is already showing
significant improvement, but now a few others are starting to
get sick. Oh well, better now then right before or during
Spider also had to make a quick visit to the vet yesterday. She
finished Seeley Lake strong and happy, but about 16 hours later
started favoring her front left leg. By yesterday she wasn't
bearing any weight on it. Trevor quickly found the start of an
abscess on one of her toes and it was lanced and drained. It
almost looks like she stepped on something on the trail. She is
mostly back on 4 feet now - and thoroughly enjoying some house
time as she recovers. Kara, of course, is appalled at sharing
her dog beds and toys - especially after having been without all
that for almost 2 weeks!
So that is it for today! Tomorrow I will have some Tales from
the Races for you all!
Till then..

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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