North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
January 29, 2008 |
Greetings From Alaska!
Well, finally GREETINGS from Alaska!!! We
arrived in Alaska last Wednesday evening and have been busy
getting settled in, getting the dogs back into the game, and
preparing for my drop bags.
The drive up was pretty nice and uneventful. We did see a fair
amount of wildlife - moose, caribou, elk, deer, and buffalo
which is always nice (as long as they are not in your lane of
the road!!) Just a few miles before the US border a critter
trotted out in front of the truck. A few moments of "It's a
wolf", "No, it's a coyote" ensued until it stopped on the
shoulder of the road, looked directly at us and ended the
argument - "Wolf" we both said at the same time. It was a very
beautiful rich, sable colored wolf and he was very content to
stand just off the shoulder of the road and watch us go by. Neat
to get such a close look at him.
The border crossing was without incident, even though the border
guard did ask for the health certificates on the dogs and did
spent a lot of time going over them, unlike at the
Montana/Alberta border a few weeks back, they passed scrutiny.
And yes, they were EXACTLY the same certificates.
Thanks to some wonky Alaskan weather, our dog yard was rather
snowed in when we got here, but 96 husky feet and 6 human feet
(Mark, mine and Harry's) make pretty short work of getting
things packed down and the dogs settled in. Many of their
stakeouts are sporting new doghouses, so there much sniffing,
peeing and darting in and out of dog house doors.
Mark and I were as thrilled to find the guest room (aka OUR
room) sporting a new bed - we refrained from sniffing or peeing
on it though.
There are also a few new inhabitants at WestRunner Kennels -
Toby the handsome 'downstairs' cat, who thinks he is a living
fur ruff - and Ashleigh, the neurotic, but cute, little border
collie x spaniel house dog. Oh, and of course, Romeo the horse.
He is the one that had a 'parting of the ways' with Jamie late
this summer, resulting in a number of broken ribs and a
punctured lung - for Jamie, not Romeo!! Romeo seems no worse the
wear from the incident, Jamie is still moving slower then
We opted not to run the Don Bowers race this past weekend - not
because there was anything wrong with the dogs or us - we just
felt it was all too rushed with our trip up here and all to be
at the starting line in 'ready to race' shape for Friday. We
have, however, had the dogs out on a number of runs already.
Everyone is doing pretty well, although they have slipped a bit
out of the 'groove' they had going on the Seeley 200 and at
home. I know with a bit of patience on our part, they will find
it again.
The rookies - Bingo, X, and Runner are taking everything is
stride. Togo seems fascinated by the deep snow and is distracted
time and time again by the tops of small trees sticking up out
of the drifts. We crossed a road yesterday on our travels and he
went across on two legs to better get a look at a road sign.
What a dork!
A few of the girls are in heat, which is actually good, as they
should be more then finished by the time Iditarod rolls around.
Anyway, that is about all the news for right now. The dogs are
getting a day off today and we are running into Anchorage to do
a Costco run for my drop bags.
Don't worry - I haven't forgot about my Seeley 200 story!!

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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