Well, I guess it is time I make this official....
Ch. NorthWapiti's Valkyrie Kara would like to take this
opportunity to announce her retirement from competitive racing.

Kara wishes everyone to know that she is in perfect health - and
perfectly happy - it is just that all the 'young pups' around
here wish to travel at a speed that she no longer wishes to view
the world at. She thinks that she would like to spend some time
smelling the flowers and enjoying the scenery along the way.
She looks forward to the occasional romp in harness and many
years offering her advice and consul from the warmth of her
straw filled dog house - and from her fluffy indoor cloud (aka
the world's biggest dogbed).
Kara asked that I include her 'resume' in this announcement - so
here goes -
*She has participated in the following dogsled races:
2007 Cache Valley Challenge
2007 Neckbone 120
2006 Sheep Mtn 150
2006 Goose Bay 120
Iditarod 2006
2006 Copper Basin 300
2006 Knik 200
2005 Sheep Mountain 150
2005 Copper Basin 300
Iditarod 2005
2005 Knik 200
Iditarod 2004
2003 Knik 200
Iditarod 2003
*She is a Canadian Kennel Club Champion and has 2 group
placements to her name (Group 3rd and Group 4th).
*She has produced the following offspring;
June 14, 20074 puppies with NorthWapiti's Sir Galahad -
- The "Black"
Aug. 1, 2005 7 puppies with NorthWapiti's Super Grover
- The
"Super Heroes" Litter -
Dec. 21, 2001 2 puppies with NorthWapiti's Butch Cassidy,
- The
"Reindeer" Litter
(No wonder she wants to retire - I got tired typing this out for
We have consulted with her and she has agreed that she would be
please to raise one more litter for us before retiring from
Motherhood too.
She has also been my best friend and constant companion for the
the past years - a position that she will happily continue to
hold in her retirement.
And as a final note, she would like to make it clear that the
recent rumors of her 'Chunky Monkey-ness' have been highly
exaggerated. She is consulting an attorney and a defamation suit
may be in the works.
Kara and I would like to thank all of you that have followed and
supported Kara's adventures in harness over the years.
Karen - on behalf of HRH Kara