North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
February 23, 2008 |
Crunchie's Interview With The Discovery
Okay, before you read this diary entry, you need
to watch this video....
Don't worry about how it relates the dogs yet, it will all
become apparent in time...
So, yesterday we had a cameraman from the Discovery Channel out
following us around for the day. Actually, this is a bit of an
ongoing project (hey, I don't tell you guys EVERYTHING! *VBG*).
I ran into a crew at the vet checks last year and got chatting
with them. They came out to the kennel for a visit and to get
some footage of the dogs and I and then did some filming of us
in Rainy Pass last year before the wind blew them away.
Really nice guys - very keen on this project they are working on
and very fun to work with. They will be following a number of
mushers on the race this year and then use footage on about ½ of
us for a documentary that will air in October. No guarantees
that we will make the show (and no need to inundate the
Discovery channel with emails requesting I make the show - what
will be will be), but we are having fun with them anyway.
So, yesterday Brian came out and tagged along after us with a
camera. He filmed the dogs being fed, then he and I puttered
through the dog yard with me introducing and telling him a bit
about the individual dogs. The question of 'my favorite' (of the
Iditarod team - so Kara wasn't even in the running here!) came
up and of course we headed over to meet Crunchie. Crunchie
batted his big, brown eyes at Brian and Brian moved in for the
close up...
Okay, is the relevance of the ferret video becoming clear????
No?? Watch it again -
Got it now?
Yes, the rare buff footed, black faced Siberian saw his moment
and made his move. In a flash he had pulled the fuzzy cover off
Brian's mike and headed as far away as his chain would let him.
All the while inflicting 'fatal' bites to it. I gasped. Brian
assured me it was okay. Crunchie began inflicting the death
shake. I sharply called his name. Brian assured me it was okay.
Crunchie hunched over his prize. After about a minute or two of
wrestling, Crunch realized that I was not letting him keep his
fuzzy victim and grudgingly surrendered it.
I told Crunchie he was a nerd. Brian shook the spit and snow off
his cover and stuffed it back on the mike. Crunchie stared at
the cover without blinking.
The rest of the day was spent playing with dogs and running
dogs. Brian proved to me he was dedicated to getting the shot he
wanted when he crouched in my sled bag, facing me as we loped
down icy, skittering trails. I don't know that I could have kept
my balance facing forward in such a situation, let alone facing
backwards. He hung off the back of Jamie's snowmachine, out the
side of my sled, and off the back of my runners.
Brian left convinced he got the shots he was looking for.
Crunchie didn't blink for the whole day - he just stared at the
fuzzy microphone cover wherever it went.
Brian said he see me out on the trail somewhere this race -
Crunchie will be waiting and biding his time!

by Penny Blankenship

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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