North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
February 26, 2008 |
Flashy New Parka!
I know this may come as a huge surprise to you
all, but I'm just not much of a 'girlie girl'. Yes, there have
been times in my life when I paid a fair amount of attention to
my wardrobe, wore heels to work everyday and even jewelry, but
for by far the majority of my life I've been clad in jeans,
boots, ball caps, sweatshirts and for the latest chapter - polar
When I was 17, I came into a small bit of 'inheritance' from my
Grandpa, who passed away when I was 2. He had left me a small
piggy bank and told my Mom that maybe it could buy me a nice
'party dress' when I got older. I took that money and opened a
bank account, squirreling away enough money to eventually buy
myself a horse - not a toy one - a real one. So 'party dresses'
have never really been my thing!
That said, there are still a few items of clothing that can
cause me to squeal girlishly with delight - parkas are right up
there at the top of the list. So imagine my delight when I
stumbled upon Skookum brand anoraks (http://skookumbrand.com/Skookum.swf)
Not only were the anoraks gorgeous, they were well made with
great attention to detail - and Canadian made!!!
My Cabelas Trans Alaska anorak was beginning to show it's wear
and Cabelas was not being particularly helpful in regard to me
getting a new red one made, as they had been in the past. So I
had been kind of looking at what else was out there. I wasn't
have much luck finding anything I liked and that fit my needs
until I came across the Skookum ones, but now we were getting so
close to Iditarod, I feared I wouldn't be able to get anything
in time.
I dropped an email to the company and got a very enthusiastic
response the same day.
Yes, they could get me a parka, they even offered to do some
'tweaking' to their standard anorak to really make it functional
for me (like 300 polartec lining instead of the standard 200
polartec). On top of that, they offered me a GREAT deal on it.
Mom, who still shakes her head over the fact that her son
(because he makes his living mostly as a musician) has a fancier
wardrobe then her daughter, stepped up to cover the price tag.
Doug G. offered to pick it up in Dawson City when he was up
there for Quest and bring it home in time for the race and we
were in business.
It arrived here in Willow today and I tell ya, I'm going to feel
like Cinderella at the start of Iditarod this year! This is one
gorgeous and better yet - functional anorak. Jamie tried it on
and I thought we were going to have to wrestle it away from her.
It's a little deeper red then you are used to seeing me in, but
I think that just makes it look more fashionable. And it is
trimmed with silver reflective tape, which not only looks good,
but will make me much more visible to all those nighttime
snowmachines too!
The ruff is a beautiful light colored wolf one - and the hood
shape such that it forms a really nice tunnel to keep the cold
away from my face. It has loads of lined, zippered pockets too,
so I'm unlikely to lose things as I pull my parka on and off.
No pictures yet, you will have to wait until we get it all
decked out with patches and stuff, but if you are curious, there
are pictures up of the parkas on their website -
Oh I also have to tell you what 'Skookum' means - power, strong
and impressive. I'm finding a puppy to name that this year!!!
How cool.

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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