North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
March 24, 2008 |
Headed Home Soon
Well, looks like Hilda is not pregnant. Maybe a
false pregnancy, maybe just that she is always alittle thicker
through the waist then most of my girls....although the ITC vet
techs did think they felt a pup when she was in for her pre race
Who knows???
But it is now fairly obvious that there will be no Hilda x Jr
babies. Of course, that is probably because I decided it was a
pretty nice breeding and I was looking forward to the pups! :)
So, that means we are scurrying back to Alberta pretty quickly.
The plan is that we will leave early Wednesday morning and we
should be back in the Tawatinaw Valley sometime on Saturday.
As much as we will miss all our friends and family in Alaska,
both Mark and I are keen to get home. I'm sure the dogs are
In the words of Paul Brandt (one of my favorite Albertans!) -
"Sign said 40 miles to Canada
My truck tore across Montana
Ian Tyson sang a lonesome lullaby
And so I cranked up the radio
Cause there's just a little more to go
For I'd cross the border at that Sweet Grass sign
I'm Alberta Bound
This piece of heaven that I've found
Rocky Mountains and black fertile ground
Everything I need beneath that big blue sky
Doesn't matter where I go
This place will always be my home
Yeah I've been Alberta Bound for all my life
And I'll be Alberta Bound until I die
It's a pride that's been passed down to me
Deep as coal mines, wide as farmer's fields
Yeah, I've got independence in my veins
Maybe it's my down-home redneck roots
Or these dusty 'ol Alberta boots
But like a Chinook wind keeps coming back again
I'm Alberta Bound
This piece of heaven that I've found
Rocky Mountains and black fertile ground
Everything I need beneath that big blue sky
Doesn't matter where I go
This place will always be my home
Yeah I've been Alberta Bound for all my life
And I'll be Alberta Bound until I die"
Alberta Bound,

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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