North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
Iditarod 2008 - Tales from the Trail
April 8, 2008 |
Tales Of The Trail -
Tales of
the Traveling Pants
Tales of the Traveling Pants - and then there
was FIRE!!
Believe it or not, this next story is another one that revolves
around my pants. In fact, the very same pants that were wrapped
around my knees in the Buffalo Tunnels.
The trail into Ruby was hot and the dogs and I were more then
ready for a good rest when we pulled into the village. The
volunteers gave us an excellent parking spot up by the church.
Robert Nelson and Lachlan Clark were already parked up in that
area and tending to their dogs.
The vets went over the dogs, finding a few odd issues, like a
couple sore wrists, a sore back on Tesla and a swollen Achilles
tendon on Batty. I massaged and wrapped everyone after filling
their bellies with a good meal and then headed into the
community center.
The community center is one large round building. The volunteers
put barriers down the middle and one side is devoted to
sleeping, the other side houses comms folks, tables and chairs,
and a few tables laden with food. I like the village of Ruby a
lot, but the checkpoint is not the best for mushers. There is a
lot of traffic in and out of the checkpoint building which means
drafts every time the door opens and a wet floor which is
difficult to move around on when your boots are off drying. And
then there is the outhouses...my skin crawls thinking of the
outhouses. I won't go into dramatic, graphic detail, but this
year there were signs on the outhouse doors. One said 'For
Standing' and one said 'For Sitting' - and trust me, you wanted
to obey the signs. However one thing Ruby does very nicely is
feed the mushers. The locals bring all sorts of local delicacies
for us. I passed on the roasted moose tongue, but did devour
some fry bread and salmon casserole!
Anyway, I tried, unsuccessfully to get some sleep but at least
got some down time before heading back up the hill to water my
dog team, some 2 hours before I intended to leave.
Lachlan and Robert were still down in the checkpoint, Fabrizo
had just pulled in down the hill with his team, but other then
that it was pretty quiet around my guys.
I emptied three bottles of HEET into my cooker and pulled out my
matches to light it. What I do with my matches prior to the
Race, is take 2 'strike anywhere' matches and tape them together
with 1 water/windproof match. This means I can almost always get
my cooker going with one strike. The matches are all stored in a
small round Tupperware container.
I pulled out one of my match bundles, stuck the lid back on the
Tupperware and was placing it back in my pocket when there was a
sudden BANG. The lid shot off the container and flames started
shooting out of it. Unfortunately, as I already had the
container halfway into my pocket, my pants instantly caught on
fire. Now, I didn't take the time to sort it out at that moment,
but in retrospect, what I figure happened is that when I pulled
one match out of the container, it rubbed hard enough against
another to ignite. That within seconds ignited all 100 or so
matches creating a mini inferno. However, the 'how' was not my
immediate concern - putting myself out was. I could see flames
shooting out of my pocket as I was momentarily frozen with
disbelief. It very quickly occurred to me that this was a
serious situation, that there was no one near enough to help me
but me, and that I better do something fast. STOP DROP and ROLL
suddenly went through my head. I flung myself into a snow bank a
few feet from my sled and rolled around until all the flames
were extinguished.
I stood up and took a moment to gather myself. The dogs looked
at me expectantly. 'Yeah sure you had a brush with death, but
where exactly is our meal??' That brought me back to the
Of course, I had no matches now. Fabrizo was still working
around his sled, he was surrounded by vets checking over his
team and an Italian film crew that was following him on the
race, but still looked suave and very together - rather unlike
me. When I asked for matches, he looked at my disheveled and
scorched condition and asked if I had fallen in the snow. "Well,
sort of." I replied, telling him and the vets the story. One of
the vets helped me pick melted pieces of Tupperware out of my
pocket; Fabrizo lent me a lighter and life went back to normal
on the Iditarod Trail.
As a postscript to this tale - I did escape this incident with
nothing more then a couple dollar-sized burned patches on
myself. My pants and long underwear weren't quite as luck and
had a couple good sized holes in them - and some melted
Tupperware embedded in them. The long underwear I replaced in
Galena, but the pants hung with me until White Mountain. Back at
home this week I was folding and putting away my racing clothing
and came across my poor, burned pants. I stood debating throwing
them into the garbage, but in the end just couldn't bring myself
to do it. I guess we had just been through too much together!!

Cartoons by Penny Blankenship

Karen's Diary - Iditarod 2008 Edition

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