Well, I have been so negligent in writing diary
entries, that I've left myself with a huge number of things to
talk about. Where to start..where to start...
Well, first off I think most of you have heard that I made a
venture back into the work force a few weeks back.
The pulp mill that Mark works for was looking for 'tank
watchers' for their annual 'shutdown'. The job involves sitting
and watching contractors work in vessels, ensuring their safety.
It isn't a complicated job, so since I have a pulse and I'm in
fairly desperate need of money to pay off lingering Iditarod
bills, it seemed like a perfect match.
A day of training, steel toed boots on, safety glasses, hard hat
and visy vest in tow and I was ready to start earning a
I'd be lying if I said the job was mentally stimulating, and the
work environment is about as opposite from my 'normal' work
environment as one can get. It was dim, stinky and dirty (okay -
maybe the 'dirty' was no different then normal for me!) but it
really made me appreciate even more the fresh air and blue sky I
work until most of the time!
The toughest part of the job was the long hours - it was just
over a week of 12 hour days. My shift was 6:30 to 6:30 and in
order to save gas, I commuted with Mark, who was working 6 to 6,
so basically, we were away from the house from 5am - 7:30 each
Now even that would have been okay, had not the temperatures
plummeted and water buckets in the kennel froze, forcing us to
go back to watering dogs at each feeding. Thank goodness for
Markus Husch, who was waiting for us at the house each night to
help with feeding. Even with his help, we wouldn't finish chores
till around 9pm - then it was time to cook, eat our dinner and
collapse into bed - only to get up at 4:15 to do it all over
I wasn't sad to see my stint end - but I was happy to get the
Right after that ended, Colleen Hovind showed up for a visit.
Having Colleen around always boosts my spirits and the two of us
spend two weeks buzzing about cleaning up the kennel, catching
up on house chores, working on the gardens, playing with
puppies, and even running a few teams! I was definitely sad to
see her head back to Saskatchewan last Sunday.
Spring is sure making its presence noticed. There is a lot of
bird activity around the valley, the Pasque flowers are poking
up out of the brown forest bottom, and the Siberians are
shedding! I even heard rumor that the hummingbirds are back.
Time to dig out the new feeder I bought last fall - after Bait
wrecked the old one in a bold move to try and catch one of the
little aerial acrobats. No, he was not successful. Doubt he ever
will be, but he is an optimist.
We have a couple litters of puppies on the way. First up with be
Kara with a litter of Moses kids. She is due June 19th and
already has a bit of a 'baby bump'. The other litter is Watt x
Sprite - due at the end of June. I tried to breed Nahanni too,
but for some reason the timing was just never right with her and
she never really stood for Nik.

& Kara |

Watt & Sprite |
As was already mentioned on the NorthWapitiNews list, Batdog has
moved to a new home. He is living with Mark and Pat Ellinger in
Minnesota. Ellinger's already have 2 dogs from us - Mork (14)
and Spider (9) (no, that is not the Spider that was on my team
this year). I just knew that Batdog would be the perfect match
with this family and as much as I would have liked him to hang
around here awhile longer; I just couldn't deny him such a great
opportunity. Pat flew up to pick him up mid April and reports he
has settled in fabulously!

Batdog |
A few other dogs will be moving on to homes in Sweden, Illinois,
Arizona and elsewhere in the next few weeks. I will be sure to
keep everyone updates on who is leaving and where they are
Well, I'm sure there is more to report - but lunch is calling -
so I'm off to the kitchen!
Happy Spring!