One of the most important
parts of keeping a dog team happy and healthy on the trail is caring
properly for their feet! Although Siberians feet are generally 'tougher'
then Alaskan Huskies, they still require booties, liniments, and foot
ointments to keep their feet (and them) happy! Of course, all this costs
money, we have calculated approximately $150 Cdn per dog for each of the 16 that will
make the final cut. The 'Happy Feet' Sponsorship Program was created to help cover
some of these expenses!
Each 'Happy Feet' Sponsor
will receive 2010NorthWapiti memorabilia, name mention on our website,
4 - booties with actual Iditarod Trail 'experience' (to be mailed out
after the race!)
Click this link for information on currency
exchange rates.
We are very grateful to the following individuals and
that are supporting our Iditarod 2010 run. |
Payable To:
Karen Ramstead
Mailed To: Karen Ramstead
Box 9
Perryvale, Alberta, Canada
T0G 1T0 |

Contact us today to become a 'Happy Feet' Sponsor
We would like to thank the following people for
Happy Feet Sponsors:
Patricia Grant

Thanks to our 2008 Happy
Feet Sponsors!