Wapiti Siberian Husky Kennels

Sibersong's Charmed, I'm Sure! - Born:
October, 20th 2003
(Ch. NorthWapiti's Guy Smiley x
NorthWapiti's Lyra)

Charm still technically belongs to Mark and I, her heart
belongs with Marty and Colleen, our dear friends in
Saskatchewan who she lives with.
She is a
beautifully put together gal with a dynamic and demanding
personality. We look forward to having some Charm offspring
in the kennel in the (hopefully) near future!
Major Races

Working Status
Advanced Rookie
(not raced, but been through at least one season of
serious training)

View Charm's Pedigree
Charm's Photo Gallery
(click to enlarge image)

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main page...
October 3, 2007