While we keep Karen and Mark updated on our NW kids, I haven't done a
good job updating all the NorthWapiti fans. Since our NW family recently grew- I thought
I'd take a moment to let you know how the Finner household has changed
over the past 2 years.
About 2 years ago after the unexpected loss of our first siberian (NW System Crash), Karen emailed us and said, "if and when" we were ready
she had a nice little girl she thought would fit nicely in our home.

NorthWapiti's System Crash
not sure we ever thought we would be ready again, but we said okay. Into
our lives came NW Born To Run aka "Lou". Lou looks very much like her
daddy Grover. She is smart, feisty, hyper, opinionated, and very much a
leader. She also loves belly rubs :) It didn't take long for her to
steal our hearts. We had also recently met Kim and Kelly Berg (www.KelimSiberians.com). They live
close to us and trained even closer. They asked if we would like to hook
up Lou with their puppy team and see what she could do. After running
backwards in harness in the beginning, she started figuring out what she
needed to do. Around this time we acquired a sled. One husky, one sled--doesn't work real well.

NorthWapiti's Lou
A year ago, we welcomed NW Lyra (Draco's litter mate) into our family.
Lyra had been living with the Bergs and had produced 3 beautiful litters
of puppies. She is the sweetest, and calmest of dogs. She settled right
into the pampered house dog life. She is also an expert escape artist :) She and Lou quickly became best friends although Lou's energy sometimes
gets to Lyra. Lyra is not as energetic as Lou in harness but she is a
good steady puller. She would rather visit or roll in the snow, but any
other time she runs well for us. We had a bad winter last year (2004)
and the snow was gone when she arrived at our home. So--- my family
bought me a training cart for my birthday. This opened up a whole new world
and is so much fun. Again- the Bergs said, "come train with us, you can
run some of our yearlings for us". Well after running 3-4 dog teams.....

NorthWapiti's Lyra
We decided having 4 dogs might be nice and we put out the word that we
MIGHT be interested in 1-2 dogs up to 2 years of age for our
recreational team. We have also been hoping to have a litter of pups
with Lyra. Unfortunately her heat cycle has not been cooperating. A few
dogs were offered to us from various places but due to this years
abundant snowfall we haven't been able to get more kennels in. Then the
Bergs said "How about Paige"? She is a NW Lyra x NW
Smiley pup. Paige
ran with us last fall and we immediately said yes. She is still living
with the Bergs because we still can't get a kennel up. Hopefully she
will join our family in the next few weeks. We can't wait.

Sibersongs Kelim Moment I Spotted U
Less than 2 weeks ago, we got a very surprising email saying NW Elim
(Grover x Spot) might be available-would we be interested. WELL- DUH?
We waited (didn't want to seem too anxious) and contacted Karen and Mark
the next day and told them if she was available- we were interested. Two
days later this 8 week old bundle of energy came to live with us. Her
personality is very similar to her sister Lou's. She is very smart, and
all puppy. She is a great playmate for Lou and sleeping buddy for Lyra.
We are thrilled with her. We can't wait to watch her her grow and see
what she does in harness. The Bergs have said we can come with them and
train her with her brother Togo next winter............

NorthWapiti's Elim
Thanks to Karen, Mark, Kim, and Kelly for this new adventurous lifestyle :)
Donna, Doug, Lou, Lyra, Elim, soon to be here-Paige and ?