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North Wapiti Siberian Husky Kennels
Yukon Quest/Iditarod 2006 - Tales from the Trail

March 19, 2006

Great Excitement

OH WOW! I am excited!

I had to go take a small break before writing this... Two solid days of  not moving from the computer, I agree my seat is sore.

Congratulations Karen and your wonderful team!!

Gosh everyone, you sure made the waiting for her to come in exciting  and fun. I did see the still shot of her under the arch from the alternate WebCam in Nome but that's all. At least you know the exact moment and my heart was pounding. I hope the Iditarod Insider will have a video later on.

Even with all the tribulations Karen had on this journey, she has  conquered.

Our family is so very proud of her and today is certainly a better  day than yesterday was.

So many thanks to Ann & the website team for doing such a great job making it so easy  for us to find articles and pictures with just one click of the  finger instead of having to search everywhere. To Donna Q who devotes  so much time in keeping us informed and in line on the NorthWapiti News Yahoo Group. You gals are really  fantastic.

All of you that have taken and shared your great pictures with us  really helped to make us feel we were there.

Thank you so much - Jeff our new NW techie...great work. (Media files - Such as the "Pretty Sled Dogs" music video)

Thought this would be a good time to give final updates on our  sponsorships. Since everyone is involved and Karen and Mark would have a hard time doing this without your personal commitments,  financial help and encouragement. You have all made this possible.

Funds have been converted into Canadian dollars.

Kara's total is $1134.30
Nahanni 404.46 
Happy Feet 200.00
Fuel Acct. 190.00
Total $1928.76

Quite Wonderful. Thank you all.

In 2004 our total was $1475.62

For 2005 our total for these areas was $1535.44

Your names should be showing where you sponsored. I certainly hope not but if your name is not listed or you have questions please  contact me privately.


(The Musher's Mother & Monetary Funds Administrator)

©Penny Blankenship for
©Penny Blankenship
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Karen's Diary - Yukon Quest/Iditarod 2006 Edition

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