Yeah Hector!
Mark and I drove to Cold Lake, AB today for one day of dog showing (Mark says that is it for the year for him now - he hates dog shows!).
I had Dasher (Ch. NorthWapiti's Dasher),
entered as a Special and Hector in the ring for the first time ever.
Well, knock me over with a feather, Hector was an angel in the ring. He allowed me (and friend, Annette Dionne who showed him at the Breed level, as I was showing Dasher) to set his feet, stood like a rock while the judge went over him, and gaited politely on his leash, even when other dogs were in the ring with him. What makes this particularly amazing is that with my schedule lately, I haven't had any time to really get him ready for this. Yesterday was his first bath, this morning was his first time on a show leash, today was his first time on show mats, and honestly, I can't even remember when he has been inside a building before (other then vet clinics). Other then starting a couple group howls when left in a crate, he was a total gentleman. He was even rewarded for all this good behaviour with his first point. Not bad for a goofy, leggy, rough, tough sled dog that is missing the tip of his tail. Yeah Hector, I'm so proud of you!

Chlout's Hector of NorthWapiti -
Born: 8/28/01
(Alaskan's Raven Of Anadyr x Alaskan's Baleen Of Anadyr)