NorthWapiti's Little Buddy SDU
Any of you that follow my
diaries know Grover, but what many of you don't know if that before
Grover there was Buddy.

Buddy as a pup
Buddy started leading for
us when he was only 8 months old. He was my main leader up until his
retirement after the 2000 Iditarod. He was a pretty shy dog around
folks he didn't know, unless he had a harness on - then any one
could handle him. It was his 'SuperHero costume' and in it he was

This is our team on the way to a 5th place finish at
the 1998 Quesnel, B.C. Goldrush Trail Sleddog Race.
Photo taken by
Ross Mitchell of the Quesnel Caribou Observer.
He was the leader that saw
me through the change from sprint to distance racing. He tolerated
and rose above my rookie mistakes with patience and graciousness
I'll always admire.
This August
he underwent surgery to remove a tumour from his neck. He seemed to
be recovering pretty well, although was still obviously an 'old
dog'. Last night when Mark fed Geriatric Park, he commented that
Buddy had some trouble getting out of his house, but he had gotten
out and eaten dinner.
This morning Veronica came
out to work on the 'A' team (she is the veterinarian/chiropractor
that we are very lucky to have working with the team this season).
As she had arrived early - and as we had been out in the kennel late
the previous evening - I hadn't been out to visit the dogs when she
and I headed out to the yard. I asked if she could look at Buddy
before we worked on the running dogs - thinking an adjustment might
make him feel better and help him be more mobile. Unfortunately, we
found that Buddy had quietly passed away during the night.
Buddy was the last
surviving member of our 'Gilligan's
Island' litter (BIS, BISS
CH. Chuchinka's Shawn Boy SD x Meomar's
Miss Liberty) - a litter that was really the foundation of this
Buddy was a very beloved
friend and more then a small piece of my heart and soul slipped away
with him last night.