North Wapiti Iditarod 2000 Journal
March 11, 2000
Let me start out by making a correction, a few postings ago I said that Smiley made the big team and then said that he was left
behind. Well Smiley is on the big team, it was Sunny
that was left behind.
Speaking of Smiley, Spud and him are on their way
home. Karen dropped both of them because of sore shoulders. This is the first time that
Spud has ever been dropped from a race. The dogs get quite the ride, they're flown to
McGrath where they then catch the big plane to Anchorage, once there, if their pick up
person isn't waiting for them, they are taking to a near by prison were inmates that have
had special training are given the privilege of taking care of them. Jamie West-Banks our
friend in Anchorage was waiting for Spud & Smiley when they got off the plane, and
tomorrow she will deliver them to our home in Willow. (Read Jamie's
The reason why you have been waiting for this post is because I went out to Takotna to
pay Karen a surprise visit. I got a ride on a very little plane that landed on the very
big river at the Takotna check point. I took a big chance, because with the updates being
so slow, I wasn't sure if she would be there our not. She was. We were able to spend about
an hour together, she looked good and was very upbeat and happy. She said that all the
dogs were strong, healthy, & happy. I had a cheese burger while Karen and several
other mushers ate steak a crab legs. The only thing that I can remember right now is that
she has had Grover in lead the entire way, and before
he goes to sleep at any of the check points he has to have a belly rub. Any way I told her
that she's making us all very proud and to keep up the good work.
Today I booked my ticket for Nome.
That's all for now. Stay tuned.
(Read additional coverage of Karen's team on the Anchorage Daily
Newspaper site)
Karen's Diary

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