Wapiti Siberian Husky Kennels
Featured Photos
From time to time as we update the site, we will try
provide an updated photo that reflects our current activities.

Smiley enjoying is 11th Birthday! He enjoys
retirement with Martin & Colleen Hovind.

What Oreo did on her holiday Monday
(Victoria Day in Canada)...

Mark & Karen stopped at Doug & Marlene Daniels home
in MT on their way home from UT. Marlene's dog, Kiska, really
enjoyed Kara's company!

Our 2007 Iditarod Logo Polar Fleece Jacket - and Kara
adds "Model" to her list of credits.

Now shipping, these jackets are black polar fleece, full zip jackets with the 2007 kennel logo embroidered on them.
Price is $55 + shipping/handling charges (have to check with the post office before I can set some exact prices on that). Sizes are S - 3XL. Sizes 2XL and 3XL are $60 each. Quantities are limited and once they are gone, they will be gone.
Anyone that would like to pre-order may do so. I will charge $10 for shipping and handling, if you pre-order. Payments may be made to
checks or money
orders can be
mailed to:
Karen Ramstead
Box 9
Perryvale, Alberta
T0G 1T0
Canada |

©Penny Blankenship
More cartoons by Penny

("Norse Gods"
Litter) acquires his Level 1 Rally Obedience title
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more details

Repeat after me, "Bait is NOT a house cat"....Okay...who
am I kidding???
Click on photos for full versions and/or Read
more details

Draco x Hilda puppies |

Nate |

Flare |

Rocket |

Powder |

Razzle |

Comet |

Camilla surveys her digging handiwork
Photo by Janet Elliott


Draco x Hilda Puppies...May 11, 2006
I had been hoping for boys - so we are getting
The boy and 2 of the girls are Draco colored but with huge white
shawls, white spots and stripes on them.
Quite unusual and striking. Two girls are just grey and white,
although one of them
a very dark grey. And the last one is a black and white bitch that
looks like her Mom. |

NorthWapiti Team photo - signed by Robert Sorlie

X-ray of Mark's broken ankle
Featured Photos (2004-5)
Featured Photos (2002-4)

Click on the paws above to follow the team back to our main page...