Wapiti Siberian Husky Kennels
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Tolsona Puppies...February 2006
The litter theme is the "Villains" and their names are:
Doc Oc, Lex Luther, Calypso, Mystique and Cassandra Nova. |

Wolverine (Grover x Kara)
the personal favorite of the website editor an Alumni of the
University of Michigan - "Home of the
Photo by Kathy Carmichael of Carmacks

Who Farted??
The dogs pictured are Minto (seated) and Fritz (lying down)
from The "Serum Run"

God may bless it - but Fly protects it.....

Kara and the babes. Karen loves the one sleeping on his back
and the piebald using Kara's feet for a pillow! :) This is the
"Super Heroes" Litter.

Some rough, tough sled dog - Kara
hangs out on her new doggy bed
July 2005

Karen's Mom with Summit, Tazlina and

Grover x Spot puppies at 10 weeks of
age. The 5 pup photo is Fritz, Minto, Sepp, Togo and Nome
in front.
The 6 pup photo is Fritz & Sepp in front, Nome, Minto, Togo &
Koyuk in back.

Doug Finner relaxing with his two
'Grover' girls, Lou & Elim (pup).

Olena with her "Who's
Your Daddy?" litter of 5 pups.

Spot plays with half brother Dodge
while enjoying her 'winter holidays'
in New Hampshire with Kim and
Kelly Berg of Kelim Siberians.

Our Welcome Bear" - he sits beside
our front door. Thanks to Diane Krauss
(Krauss Photography) for our lovely little bear and Tim Vincent for
his very cool sign!!

Photo of the 'Spots'

Kaylinn nursing and snuggling her babies this
morning - July 26, 2004

Day Two
Puppies in a basket

"Upside Down Kaylinn"
Notice the one pup trying to climb up to a nipple!

"Whose the Puppy here???"
Kaylinn and her '6th puppy' - a stuffed jellyfish

Kaylinn x
Moses Puppies - Day One
July 16, 2004 - the
"Storm" Litter

Kaylinn & pups - Day One
July 16, 2004

Spring Training 2004
Sometimes people fail to appreciate just how much work
it takes to teach them just to point in the right direction
(Click on the thumbnail picture to view a larger version)
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