Draco getting blood drawn for his pre race health checks.

This was from the Pre Race vet check.

Mark and I along with Constant on a training run.
(Constant is the photographer.)

Willow Winter Carnival 2003 & Surge doing his 800
lb pull.

Barq laughs at a good joke he heard while in Minnesota.

NorthWapiti's Rough Ruff
(Impi) and snuggles with his new friend, Storm.
Impi and Storm are owned by Gwen Ross of Surrey, B.C.

While we in Alberta are experiencing our first taste of
impending winter
with flurries of snow and cold temperatures - NorthWapiti's Cassiopeia (Cassie)
is learning to adjust to her new life as a 'Beach Siberian'!! :)

Whinny, Roary and Buzz on their first ride in the dog truck!

Rainbow over the kennel.

This was commissioned and designed by Mark for me.
The wonderful artwork was done, of course, by Denise Linley.

Kaylinn's Colorful litter - Day 1

Northwapiti Kennel - Summer time

Kluane's (& Grover's)
children - Jinx (black and white female) and Q (white, grey, and black male)

Oreo x Smiley puppies - 5 days old

Takeout - aka "The Perryvale Puma"
One of our 2 NorthWapiti Kennels cats!

February 16, 2003
Sean Armstrong, Steele (left), and Yahoo (right - NorthWapiti's Do You
cruise to victory in a 2 dog race in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Photographer - Ken Gigiliotti, Winnipeg
Free Press.

January 8, 2003
The 'secret' is out - meet Pirate.
Ch. Innisfree's Pirate's Treasure
(Click on either the image above or this link
for two images nice enough to become your desktop wallpaper)

November 28, 2002
Loki says "HI"

November 8, 2002
Brothers Smiley and Gus hang out together in Minnesota.

November 3, 2002
Here is the team coming home on training run!

October 10, 2002
Fall in Togo, Minnesota - Jamie Nelson's Kennel Building aka 'The Dog House''.

October 10, 2002
The NorthWapiti Kennels team enjoys the fall colors on their Togo trip. Some
Jamie Nelson's puppies in the foreground.

September 7, 2002
"Ah....the life of a retired sled dog! NorthWapiti's
Samhu Ice (Sam) and
NorthWapiti's Meomar
Black Ice (Slik) do a little 'work' on the beach with owners,
Lee and
Jim of Ancaster, Ontario"

August 24, 2002
JR - one of the Grover x Joey puppies

August 12, 2002
The team gets watered in the yard after a 8 miles training run.
(Click on the thumbnail picture to view a larger version)

Click on the paws above to follow the team back to our main page...